Merengue Dance classes in Mohali and Chandigarh.
Merengue is also a beautiful form of dance which originated from the Dominican Republic of the Latin America. It was also known as the national dance of the Dominican Republic. It is basically a dance for the couples who need to stand in a closed position. One of the partners (generally the male) is the lead who holds the waist of the follower with his right hand and follower’s hand with his left hand. The hand to the left is at the follower’s eye level. Both the partners have to bend their knees and make the hips move left and right.
Merengue is a Dominican style of music and dance. In this dance form partners hold each other in a closed position. The leader holds the follower’s waist with the leader’s right hand, while holding the follower’s right hand with the leader’s left hand at the follower’s eye level. Partners bending their knees left and right, making the hips move left and right. The hips of the leader as well as follower move in the same direction throughout the song. Partners may walk circle each other or sideways, in small steps. They can switch to an open position and do separate turns without letting go each other’s hands or releasing one hand. During these turns they may twist their handhold into intricate pretzels. Other choreographies are possible.
Although the tempo of the music may be frenetic, the upper body is kept steady and turns are slow, typically four beats/steps per complete turn.
In the social dancing of the United States the “empalizada” style is replaced by exaggerated Cuban motion, taught in chain ballroom studios for dances of Latin American origin (cha-cha-cha, rumba, mambo, salsa).

Back and Joints Pains are Relieved
According to Ramiro Burr, merengue actually comes from acoustic groups.[3] During the 20th century, merengue’s original lead instrument was the guitar. By the 1940s and 1950s it was performedwith accordions.[4] Merengue típico originated in the rural Northern Valley region around the city of Santiago, resulting in the name merengue Cibao. Merengue típico emphasizes traditional songs dating back as far as the last century. Its performance context and practices differ in their emphasis on a close personal relationship between audiences and performers, which is why the genre of merengue típico is more complex than one familiar of merengue.
Get to Know the Many Health Benefits of Merengue Dance
All dances have tremendous health benefits. Latin dances, however, especially the slow-and-quick-paced Merengue are especially beneficial for the body.
Heart Healthy! While this dance is less intense than other Latin options, the Merengue gets your heart beating fast and then allows it to slow down. It’s the perfect cardio for those who hate the gym!
Lose Weight! True, there are small steps in Merengue but lots of small movements add up to a big calorie burner! Even at the slower pace, Merengue dancers report the pounds melting off with continued dancing!
Bone Strength! For those who have joint pain and osteoporosis, small movements are best. Merengue keeps you moving without wearing out your bones even further. Since you aren’t jumping around, you only experience mild to moderate impact on the joints, making Merengue a favorite dance option for all ages.
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With some Latin dances, Tango for example, it’s easy to get caught up with your partner and pretend like the dance floor is yours alone. Merengue, however, is quite a social dance. You’ll meet plenty of new people who are looking to get all the great health benefits out of the fantastic dance.