Belly Dance classes in Mohali and Chandigarh.

Belly dance, referred to oriental dance, it is an Arabic expressive dance originated in Egypt. Basic features movements of belly dance are the hips and torso. Belly dance has evolved to many distinctive forms depending on the country and region. Dance style and costume of belly dance mostly recognized around the globe due to Egyptian cinema. Traditional rhymes is popular for belly dance.
Just like folk dances, there is no standard naming for belly dance movements. Many dance schools and dancers have created their own naming schemes, but none has been recognized till now.

Belly dancing is an Arabian dance form which emphasizes minor movements of the torso. It has evolved to take many times depending on the country and region. Belly dance is one of the most famous dance form which has inspired many dancers all over the world to pursue their dance passion in belly dance.

In India Belly dancing is incredibly famous with many professional dancers coming from the continent. They capture the audience with their basic variations on the classic dance type. We look at the top belly dancers from India and how they came to be some of the world’s best.

Health Benefits of Belly Dance

Back and Joints Pains are Relieved

During the belly dance, the movements of body parts such as hip drops, figure eights, shimmies, and circles put the ligaments and joints in the lower back and hip over a full range of gentle, repetitive motion. These movements helps in increase the flow of synovial fluid sin these joints. When movements are done correctly, the pelvis is tipped forward, or tucked somewhat and a neutral position that helps to prevent lower back problems. It can help in relieving the stress to the back, rectify the constant compression of the disks due to long sitting and a sedentary lifestyle. These toned muscles can improve the posture and helps to prevent back pain that can be caused by the unnatural curving forward of the spine occurs when muscle groups are weak (lordosis).

Bone Density Increases

During belly dance dancer is on her feet, moving during the dance, it is known as weight-bearing exercise. Weight-bearing exercise such as moments involved in belly dancing can prevent osteoporosis and strengthen bones.

Low Impact Form of Exercise

The graceful pivots, hip drops, and rolls, of belly dance use muscle groups in the pelvis, abdomen, spine, trunk, and neck, working with the body and not against it. Unlike ballet, which potentially deform and alter the skeleton, or other dance forms that work opposite rather than with the body’s physical inclinations, belly dance is based on movements that come naturally to the female form.

Helps in Losing Weight

This dance form can burn up to 300 calories per hour. This is the estimate that will vary, depending on the intensity of your performance. Combination of healthy diet that includes sensible eating, and with regular belly dancing without a benefit of doubt will be part of your sound weight loss program.

Helps in Preparing for Childbirth

The movements of belly dance make an fine prenatal exercise regimen that provide strength to the muscles used during the childbirth process.
The natural hip tucks and toned abdominal muscles, which are as same as “pelvic rocking” taught during prenatal classes, teach the mother how to move her pelvis. For women who wants a natural childbirth, this form of exercise through belly dance, with its focus on muscle control not only facilitates natural childbirth but also provides an excellent post-natal exercise that helps encourage abdominal tone. During crucial first weeks after giving birth, when caution is must while healing from the process, these movements work the muscles gently and effectively, if done constantly.

Reducing Stress Levels with Dance

Circular and flowing movements, Repetitious swaying, are called as state of dance-meditation. The learner often finds that a session of slow and graceful dancing will clear out their mind and will provide them a state of mental relaxation. The faster forms of this dance form is to stimulating and fun, and either slow or fast belly dancing can reduce the cases of anxiety or mild depression.

Boosting your Self-Esteem

The movements of belly dance are artistic and feminine, creating a positive feeling and expression and freedom. The dancer feels happy to explore the beautiful, soft ways the body can move. The body, which becomes increasingly supple and graceful through practicing the dance, literally learns to move more beautifully. Dancers feel a heightened sense of elegance and poise when they dance, and this delightful confidence remains long after the class or performance is finished. The body awareness that comes from belly dancing often triggers an emotional response. Women with low self-image begin to honour their bodies. Previously weight-conscious participants relax and become comfortable with their bellies and hips. Voluptuous women appreciate their ample curves.

Steps2Step Dance Studio provides belly dance classes in Mohali, Punjab.

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